RF time








Thursday, October 3, 2024

Day 1

Registration and refreshments

We meet in the building of the WSS Administration and Didactic Center in Biała Podlaska. For all registered Participants we offer dinner after a long journey.

13.00 - 14.00

Educational Center
WSS Biała podlaska

Opening of the RFtime Workshops

Welcomeaddress and presentation of the framework plan of the workshops.

14.00 - 14.10

Maciej Wójcik, UM Lublin, WSS Biała Podlaska
i Przedstawiciel Dyrekcji Szpitala

Development of RF Ablation methods

Condensed review of the different RF ablation methods for atrial fibrillation outside PVI over the last years.

14.10 - 14.30

Maciej Wójcik
Paweł Błaszkiewicz

Live RF re-ablation in a patient after cryoablation

Re-ablation procedure with dense 3D mapping and RF current in a patient after previous balloon cryoablation.

14.30 - 16.00

O: M.Wójcik, T.Kucejko, P Błaszkiewicz
M: R. Kiedrowicz, P.Dąbkowski

Clinical Outcomes of Low Voltage Targeted Ablation of AF

The strategy for ablating atrial fibrillation (AF) beyond pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) has been a contentious issue for decades. However, recent evidence from both randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and non-RCT data underscores the importance of substrate modification guided by sinus rhythm (SR) low-voltage myocardium in enhancing AF ablation outcomes, particularly in persistent and potentially paroxysmal AF patients. This approach has demonstrated additional benefits, including fewer repeat ablations and reduced procedure and fluoroscopy times compared to other PVI+ strategies. Christopher Piorkowski and Yun Hou are the authors of the ERASE-AF trial.

16.00 - 16.30

Yan Huo
Christopher Piorkowski

Live RF Ablation: AF re-Ablation in a patient after PFA.

Re-ablation procedure with dense 3D mapping and RF current in a patient after unsuccessful PFA ablation.

16.30 - 18.30

O: M.Wójcik, R. Kiedrowicz, P Błaszkiewicz
M: A.Hoffmann, M. Młodnicki

Difficult patient, interesting procedure...

Short, several-minute presentations of their own interesting RF treatments by Workshop Participants. By teaching others, we all learn from each other.


M.Nowakowski, S.Nowak, M.Młodnicki, P.Dąbkowski, P.Wałek, M.Wielusiński, A.Priebe, T.Królak, T.Hajdukiewicz, M.Brembor

Finish and transfer to the evening meeting.

End of day 1 and transfer to the evening meeting in Uroczysko Zaborek. This is also our main place of accommodation for the Participants of our workshops.

19.30 - 20.00

Transfer to the place of accommodation
and evening meeting

Evening RF Meeting

After checking in, we invite you to our evening meeting and further discussions about ablations at RF in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.


Uroczysko Zaborek

Friday, October 4, 2024

Day 2

Welcome and agenda

A few words about the daily schedule.

9.10 - 9.30

Maciej Wójcik
 UM Lublin, WSS Biała Podlaska

Atrial Cardiomyopathy Update

The term “atrial cardiomyopathy” first appeared in the medical literature in 1972. The first HRA/HRS/APHRS/SOLAECE expert consensus was published in 2016. The latest data on atrial cardiomyopathy were presented in September this year at ESC 2024 by Prof. Andreas Goette in the form of the EHRA/HRS/APHRS/LAHRS Clinical Consensus Statement.

9.30 - 10.00

Prof. Dr. Andreas Goette
St. Vincenz Hospital Paderborn, Niemcy
University Hospital Magdeburg, Niemcy

Live RF Ablation: Electrical isolation of the left atrium

First-time RF ablation of a patient with persistent atrial fibrillation and left atrial remodeling. 3D dense mapping, PVI + ablation of the substrate in the left atrium.

10.00 - 12.30

O: M.Wójcik, Y. Huo, P Błaszkiewicz
M: R. Kiedrowicz, A.Hoffmann

Left-Right Atrial Separation and LAAO in Patients with AF and End-Stage Atrial Myopathy

In patients at the end stage of atrial myopathy, electrically separate the LA from the rest of the heart (left-right atrial isolation) is feasible and safe. It offers an effective treatment option for rhythm control in AF pts. with end-stage atrial disease. Christopher Piorkowski i  Yun Hou to twórcy badania ERASE-AF trial

12.30 - 13.00

Yan Huo
Christopher Piorkowski

Live RF Ablation of atypical AFL after ablation

Ablation procedure for atypical atrial flutter with dense 3D mapping and RF current in a patient with previous ablation.

13.00 - 14.30

O: M.Wójcik, M. Peller, P Błaszkiewicz
M: R. Kiedrowicz, A.Hoffmann, M. Wilkowski

Lunch break

…because every electrophysiologist deserves a break.

14.30 - 15.00

Centrum Dydaktyczne
WSS Biała Podlaska

Closing vessels after ablation - PerClose™

How to effectively close large vessels after vascular procedures using PerClose™ – own experience of the Hemodynamics Laboratory and EP Laboratory of WSS Biała Podlaska. During the 2 days of the conference there is an opportunity to participate in training and obtain a PerClose™ certificate.


Sebastian Wójcik
WSS Biała Podlaska

Live RF Ablation after K-Surgical Ablation

Atrial fibrillation re-ablation procedure with dense 3D mapping and RF current in a patient after previous cardiac surgical ablation.

15.30 - 17.30

O: M.Wójcik, T.Kucejko, P Błaszkiewicz
M: R. Kiedrowicz, A.Hoffmann, M. Kiliszek

Difficult patient, interesting procedure...

Short, several-minute presentations of their own interesting RF treatments by Workshop Participants. By teaching others, we all learn from each other.

17.30 - 18.30

P.Życiński,D.Haval,R.Sawicki,M.Peller, D.Miśkowiec,T.Kucejko,J.Kuśnierz,O.Bardyszewski,J.Ciszewski, M.Wilkowski, M. Szczasny

End of the workshop

The end of our meeting and plans for the future. We are waiting here for your comments, suggestions, observations. It is worth meeting and sharing knowledge and experience.


Maciej Wójcik
Paweł Błaszkiewicz

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In connection with the 10th anniversary of arrhythmia ablation procedures at the Provincial Specialist Hospital in Biała Podlaska, we invite you to the RFtime Ablation Workshops on 3-4.10.2024.

RFtime is an initiative to create a platform for joint meetings and exchange of experiences of electrophysiologists dealing with dense 3D mapping and point RF ablations.


EP Lab
Specialist Hospital
in Biała Podlaska
ul. Terebelska 57-65
21-500 Biała Podlaska

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